Friday, January 29, 2010
Goodbye, January...Come on, February...
I think that 2010 is my year. I just have a feeling. Don’t know fully what that means yet. I have some ideas and plans. I’m not trying to be secretive, but I’m still working on the details. I have goals that I want for the year, but also for my life. Last year was a year of new beginnings. I got married, moved into a new house, quit my job, and just had to take a break for a while. I discovered a deeper love of cooking. I’ve always enjoyed baking or cooking, but I really developed a passion for it. I don’t just stare at a recipe and then try to make it like the picture. I’ve learned to try new things and not to just look for the “easy” or “quick” recipes. I have taken the time to spend hours in the kitchen for dinner. It’s the best tired feeling! I am revived and renewed. I am ready to go full steam ahead.
I’m seeing life through new lenses…literally. I purchased new glasses this month. I’ve been wearing glasses since I was four so it wasn’t a new concept. Having the right prescription was a new concept though. I saw things that I hadn’t noticed before which was a blessing and a curse. I noticed the dirt in the corners of my kitchen. I spent several hours with a vacuum and all the attachments. I have also been able to see small road signs, fine print on medicine bottles, and scores on the television. Again, all things that I haven’t noticed in a while.
I’ve decided that before I turn thirty that I want to write a novel. I’ve already started one. I’m one of those crazy people that start writing and get consumed with it. I write until my hands can’t type anymore. I go back later, read it, and then spend the rest of my time completely deleting everything I typed!! Its crazy, I know. I’ve been told. I just feel that what I write says something about me. This would be my first shot at a novel and I want it to be perfect. I’ve wanted this since I was probably 12 years old. Why haven’t I done it? Is it fear? Is it time? Is it boredom? These are questions that even I don’t know the answers. I’ve just decided that each year that ticks by is another year that I did not do it. Yes, I’ve set my goal for thirty years old, but what if I did it earlier? What if thirty looms closer and I push it back? I had first said that I would do it by the end of college. Well, I graduated college almost three years ago. I didn’t make that goal. I’ve decided that I am not setting myself up for failure. I have a little over three years to complete my goal. I only have myself to blame and is that where the fear comes in?
January has been a fast and happy month! Our family welcomed the arrival of Marshall and Amanda’s sweet baby girl, Hartley Caroline Moore, on January 27, 2010. She is healthy and weighed 6 pounds and 10 oz. This is their first baby and the entire family is extremely excited to meet her. I think we are going to have to rent a facility for family reunions now. My dad having four sisters is what makes this a big family. It makes me want to have kids (in the future, not tomorrow) like Brothers & Sisters without all the drama!
I received the autograph of my favorite baseball player of all time! Javier Lopez!! My dog is even named after him.
I’m getting ready to celebrate my ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY next week. I can’t even believe that we made it a year….haha. just kidding. I can’t even believe that it has been a year. I am married to the most wonderful man in the world. I know that everyone says that, but its true. He is caring and thoughtful. He puts my needs above his own. He goes out of his way to make sure that I am happy and taken care of all the time. He has a calm personality and I never have to guess where he stands on things. I am so blessed beyond what I deserve with him. We are taking a trip for our anniversary. I can’t wait!
Goodbye, January….Come on, February…
Friday, January 15, 2010
Reflecting on 2009...
We are fifteen days into the new year and I’m just sitting down to write this. Looking back over 2009, I think I lived about five years into one. I started January 2009 by finishing planning my wedding. It was a stressful month. I did my best to balance my job, wedding planning, friends, and family.
I got married to the man of my dreams on February 7, 2009. We had a beautiful wedding and honeymoon. My family went above and beyond to be helpful. Some people were not happy about us getting married. It didn’t stop us. We had my family. Jeremy’s Grandmother, Aunt Sherry, and Alan were precious to us. They helped in any and every way they could! God truly blessed us with all of their help.
We came home from our honeymoon and reality set in. I got extremely ill. I had severe bronchitis. We didn’t even have a box unpacked or a thermometer to speak of. I was very sick for several weeks. During this time, I was in charge of the yearbook at the school I was teaching. I somehow was able to finish the yearbook and get well. I was also in charge of a Winter Banquet. Luckily I had a sweet friend that stepped up to help. I thought the worst was over, but little did I know what was coming.
March came and with it brought the death of my Grandfather. He was one of the greatest men that ever lived. I felt he was tied with my other Grandfather. He had been sick off and on, but it was his time to be with Jesus. I have no doubt where either of my Grandfathers is right now, but it still hurt to lose them.
I got through the spring. I realized that God was telling me that it was time to resign from my job. It was hard but I did walk away.
June came and I realized that I had survived. I went from not breathing to having too much time to breathe. Several great things happened in the summer, my friend, Jennifer was married in June. My first nephew, Jacob was born in July. I turned 26 in August. I discovered that I loved cooking more than just for dinner.
We took a few vacation trips during the fall. Then just as death had come in March, it came again in October. It took my Aunt Nancy just as it had taken my Grandfather. It was sudden. She had just recently been diagnosed with cancer. She lost her battle. She fought hard. My mom’s family had a tough year.
As most people know our family situation isn’t ideal. We decided that when we got married that it would never factor into “us”. We spent our first Thanksgiving going to see my husband’s aunt, Sherry, her friend, Alan, and his Grandmother Hayes. We had a fabulous holiday together. We left from there and went to see my family. It was a long day but a great day. Right after Thanksgiving, Grandmother (Jeremy’s) had spinal surgery. She is doing really well now. She is tough and still has a long way to go. It was a great opportunity. We’ve been able to do a lot for her and its helped us bond with her. No one can take from the moments when I sat with her at her doctor’s appointments or cleaning her house. I’ve learned so much about her and her life. I hate that she had to have surgery, but I have loved our precious moments together.
Our first Christmas together was perfect! We woke up and exchanged presents together. We left after that to spend Christmas with my family. We went to see Grandmother Hayes soon after that. We ended the day with seeing my Grandmother in Toccoa. It was the most perfect Christmas! There was no family drama because we were able to leave the problems out of it. My only regret was that we didn’t get to see Aunt Sherry. We did see her right after Christmas though so I think that still counts! Jeremy turned 28 in December.
When I talked through my 2009 I think wow that’s a lot. There were some happy moments and those of tears! The point is that we made it through together. We’ve encountered every obstacle you can think of in the past four years. We’ve overcome though!! Even with all the up and down moments, we still had a really great year. Everyone kept telling us that it would be a very hard first year. They said we would make it to the end and wonder how we did. I have never doubted us. We decided a long time ago that we were going to make US work. I never had to question how we were going to get through any tough moment. Notice that not one of the big events included any hardships that we couldn’t recover from, any finance situations, any problems with us, or anything that made us doubt our decision. We look at January 2010 and say that was it? This is what everyone was warning us about? We were so steadfast. Before we married, we had talked about everything. There were no surprises whether it be getting to know each other or financial.We even had a plan on who would take out the trash :-) Other things were going on around us, but we never moved.
I feel like there are so many things that did happen in 2009. I'm not saying that death or other hardships didnt mean anything. They were tough moments that are still hurtful but we didnt feel like the walls were caving in. We took each moment and through prayer and seeking, we found our answer. I think there were hard decisions and situations that prepared us for 2010. This is going to be the year of changes, new adventures, and its going to stretch us more than we ever have been. I’m overwhelmed with excitement as we start year two of our journey….